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You're viewing The Fairly OddParents : Shadow Showdown Cheat Codes

Game Name : The Fairly OddParents : Shadow Showdown
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2006-01-10 03:44:00
Views : 21971

Dad's Dream: Defeating the Robot:
When you are at the end of the level, you must face the robot. Evidently, your main goal is to get out of Dad's dream. To do this you must destroy the robot. You will first have to run away from him. This scenario will be more convenient if you had Super Sneakers (cost 100 coins), and you will encounter a crane and a walking pot of ore. Use your magnet to grab five out of five of the ores. When the robot arrives, a button will emerge. Butt-Bounce on the button, and the crane should hit the robot's head. Shoot the ores at the robot's head two times and his health will go down. Repeat the process on the other cranes and you will wake up Dad.

Fighting Quince:
Shoot the same exact cards that match his outfit. Note: The place where you get the cards at changes when you hit Quince. Therefore, his outfit changes. Nevertheless, keep doing this until you defeat him.

Fighting the Ape King:
Run around the object he is on until you are behind him. Use your Banana Launcher to hit and stun him. Then, go up and butt-bounce on him. Keep doing this until you defeat him.

Fighting Vicky:
First, you will have to press three buttons. To do this you must cross a wide chasm. You can use your gamma ray abilities to cross a floor of the Yugonium. Yugonium is a gas that is not from Earth, and becomes solid when exposed to gamma rays. Once you have pressed all three buttons, you must go to the place where you once started. You will now have to convert into a ball and enter a transporting gun. You will hit Vicky's laser beam. When this happens, the Yugopotanian will use the laser too rapidly. The laser will destroy some of The yugonium gases. Keep doing this until you defeat Vicky.

Get A Clue: Door comment:
Talk to the door until it says "Id like to help, But I can't."

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